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Ball Regulations

Participants in Teen Masters are limited to a single PBA SKILL 3.02 ball while competing on two low-volume oil patterns. Because the ball is made of durable urethane and does not absorb oil, it will retain its original performance with proper care. Teen Masters began using SKILL 3.02 in 2017 and will continue to use it for the foreseeable future.

Specifications as Manufactured (15#)

Coverstock.........................Pearlized Urethane  Hardness............................................................80-82
Radius of Gyration............................................2.58
Differential Radius of gyration...............0.010
Surface Roughness-Ra*.............................27uin
Oil Absorption..................................Little to Zero

  • All participants are limited to using one (1) 13#, 14#, or 15# SKILL 3.02 at the Teen Masters Championships. Effective in 2025, the maximum weight allowed in the Teen Masters competition is 15 pounds.

  • Participants may bring two balls to their Official Practice Session but must designate one for competition at its conclusion.

  • A participant can introduce a second ball if the Tournament Director determines the original ball has been damaged beyond repair through regular use at the bowling center. 

Official Ball Rules and Drilling Specifications


*Measured at a sanding grit level of 500 Abralon by USBC. Shipped at 1500 grit.


  • The number of holes or indentions shall not exceed five and shall be limited to one for each finger and one for a thumb hole, all for the same hand.

  • Weight holes are prohibited.

  • Each hole or indention must fit the size of the corresponding finger or thumb.

  • If a ball does not have a thumb hole, the ball must be scribed or engraved with a "+" near the center of the palm to indicate the grip orientation.

  • Bowlers must release the ball in the drilled orientation:

  • When delivering a ball with a thumb hole, either:

  • The thumb must be inserted, fully or partially, into the thumb hole, or

  • The palm must cover the thumb hole.

  • When delivering a ball without a thumb hole, the palm must cover the "+."


  • Maximum Static Top/Bottom Weight 3 oz

  • Maximum Static Side/Finger/Thumb Weight 1 oz


  • At the Championships, bowlers must submit their designated bowling ball for approval by authorized Teen Masters representatives before the competition begins.

  • A ball with a thumbhole will be deemed legal if all holes and its center of gravity (CG) fall within a 3-inch by 7-inch rectangle centered on the grip's center.

  • A ball without a thumb hole is legal if all holes and the CG are within* a 3" x 4" rectangle centered on the grip's center."

  • Balls in which a hole or the CG falls outside the rectangle will be scaled to determine legality.

  • Balls failing the rectangle test and scaling will not be allowed in competition.

  • Teen Masters reserves the right for its representatives to bring a ball into compliance with a small balance hole.


*A hole that touches the perimeter of the rectangle will be considered within the rectangle.

The CG must be inside the rectangle.


SKILL 3.02

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