2025 Bowling Balls
All participants can use one (1) 13#, 14#, or 15# SKILL 3.02 ball at the 2025 Championships. Effective in 2025, balls weighing 16# will not be allowed during Teen Masters competition.
Participants may bring two SKILL balls to their Official Practice Session but must designate one for competition after their Official Practice Session.
Participants may only introduce a second ball if the Tournament Director determines the original ball has been damaged beyond repair through regular use in the bowling center. A bowler who intentionally damages or destroys their bowling ball will be disqualified.
Maximum static finger/thumb/side weight is 1 oz.
Balance/weight holes are prohibited unless drilled by Teen Masters representatives to bring an illegal ball into compliance.
Balls may be plugged and redrilled.
Interchangeable thumb inserts are allowed but void any warranty as the large hole(s) make the balls susceptible to cracking.
Revised Hotel Policy
Teen Masters will continue to put together a block of hotel rooms to ensure availability for our participating families.
The requirement to stay within the block or pay an Opt-Out Fee has been eliminated for the 2025 Championships.
Female participants should be aware that NCAA guidelines have sometimes restricted the acceptance of scholarship funds from sources outside the college/university being attended by athletes competing in NCAA competitions.
To participate in Teen Masters, you must meet the following criteria:
Age. You must be nineteen or younger on July 4, 2025.
Amateur. You must be an amateur bowler. Members of the PBA and/or PWBA are ineligible. USBC adult and PBA Jr. membership do not impact eligibility.
Canadian bowlers must be members of Youth Bowl Canada. Non-members can join through one of the Bowl Canada centres listed HERE.
The 2025 Teen Masters Championships will offer singles competition for girls and boys in two separate age divisions:
19 & Under
15 & Under
Each participant’s age on July 4, 2025, will determine their division, though younger bowlers may opt to compete in the 19U division.
Scholarship awards will be based on the total number of entries, hotel rebates, and event sponsorships.
Click HERE to view our disbursement rules.
2025 Lane Patterns
Though slight tweaking may occur during on-site testing, the 2025 lane conditioner patterns will be 46’ and 35’ long and contain approximately 8 mL of oil. The patterns used at the 2023 Teen Masters at Thunderbowl Lanes can be downloaded HERE.
Wrist Support Devices
Because Teen Masters believes that ball motion variations are the bowler's responsibility, wrist supports containing plastic, metal, or pads are prohibited. Gloves that do not contain rigid metal, plastic, or a pad are allowed. Wrist tape is permitted.
Switch Hitting
Bowlers with the athletic ability to switch from right to left or left to right may do so at any time during Teen Masters competition.
No Extreme Lofting
Out of respect for our host centers and to prevent damage to the lanes, lofting the ball past the arrows is not allowed. A warning will be issued on the first occurrence. If additional infractions occur, the bowler will receive zero pinfall for the second infraction, be disqualified, and be removed from competition for the third infraction.
An Elevated Standard of Behavior
Competitors, family members, and coaches are expected to always display good sportsmanship and mutual respect throughout the week of Teen Masters activities. Those failing to do so may be immediately excused from further participation.
Refunds will have 10% deducted to cover credit card merchant fees and administrative costs. No refunds will be issued after May 1, 2025.
Publicity Release
By entering Teen Masters, the bowler acknowledges KBP's right to make use of and to permit others to make use of the bowler's name, scores, voice, pictures, photographs, and other likenesses for any purpose in any manner related to the advertising, broadcast, publication, or promotion of Teen Masters.
Parents and students should be aware that participation in this or other bowling competitions, certified or uncertified, and/or the acceptance of any scholarship dollars could affect eligibility based upon the state interscholastic association rules of the state where a given student resides. Each family is strongly encouraged to confer with their school's athletic director or a staff member of their state's interscholastic association before participating in the Teen Masters or other bowling competition.
Teen Masters is a private event owned by Killer 'B' Promotions (KBP). KBP reserves the right to determine any matters not covered in these rules, including the right to reject any entries.
SKILL Bowling is a registered trademark of KBP.
Dress Code
During the official Teen Masters competition, bowlers are required to wear official TM Championships jerseys and are restricted from wearing logos or other sponsor identification not provided by TM. During match play, competitors must wear 2025 Championship jerseys.
Participants must have two (2) 2025 Championship jerseys.
Boys must wear black slacks. Black denim is not allowed.
Girls must wear black slacks, a black skirt, shorts, or capris. Black denim is not allowed. Skirts and shorts must be appropriate lengths for bowling.
Killer B Promotions will be the final authority on what is an appropriate length.
Girls electing to wear skirts or shorts are advised to have a pair of black slacks readily available.
Bowlers violating the dress code will not be allowed to compete until they comply and will receive zero for all frames missed due to the violation.
The dress code for the Kegel Klinics, official practice sessions, and side tournaments is casual. Shorts and non-offensive T-shirts are allowed.